About Midnight Fright Films
Why movies? What is it about wasting our precious free time to be away from our family and loved ones, spend money we don’t have and hours we could sleep? Because we love to! Making movies is a passion for each and every one of us. We love knowing we can take a weird idea, work collaboratively between our massively creative minds and film the stories we want others to enjoy… bloody or not. We have traveled many different paths and overcome adversities to join together in the adventure we call independent filmmaking. We are Midnight Fright Films!
Some History
Midnight Fright Films was formed in 2012 by Joshua Weixelman and Tyler Schmid. Together they made a handful of short films and a feature film called Remission. In late 2014 Tyler took a hiatus from the group to chase another dream. Greg Gale and Patrick Lambrecht joined up with Josh after collaborating on a short film called Emily. Today they continue to write, shoot and create new content for Midnight Fright Films.

Joshua Weixelman – Josh began living in the film world back in 2006. He co- founded A Dream Awake with fellow filmmakers Greg Gale and Bryan Harmon. With them he made three features and one very noteworthy short. Josh later joined up with another filmmaker and began hanging out in a genre a little more dark and more suited to his personality. Together they began painting the screen red with a handful of shorts and a feature he was very proud of. Today he continues working with two very talented writers and directors. Greg joined Midnight Fright Films along with Patrick in 2015. He is married with three kids. They look at him with confused faces on a daily basis.
Top 5 favorite movies: 1. Halloween 2. Braveheart 3. Clerks 4. Reservoir Dogs 5. The Blair Witch Project

Greg Gale – A movie aficionado since his younger years when he ran around singing the love song from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. Greg has always been fascinated by the cinematic arts and took that fascination into college where he studied films. In 2006 he took his love of film to the next level as he began to craft scripts to the movies he wanted to see made. Joining up with fellow filmies Bryan and Josh, many lost and lonely nights were spent at Village Inn perfecting the words to these scripts. The harsh reality hit them like a cold Nebraska blizzard, when no contest seemed interested in his work. Greg got a weird, crazy, and very stupid idea, to secure a loan and begin to make their own movies. This stupid idea helped to grow Greg into the majestic film wizard that he is today! Today, he works feverishly to grow his craft at the local community college’s Video production program, since YouTube was only able to take him so far. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling, sports, his lovely wife Emily, and watching as much content as he can find the time for.
Top 5 favorite movies: 1. American Beauty 2. American Pie 3. Finding Nemo 4. Catch Me If You Can 5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

Patrick Lambrecht – With over 30 years of acting, directing, and design experience for the stage, Patrick has recently joined the ranks of the MFF team. He was first introduced to film in a co-starring role in the MFF horror short “Emily.” Since then he has taken on many roles within the MFF family including editing, writing, and camera work. His directorial debut, “Love Bites” was selected to show at the 2016 Prairie Lights Film Festival, and will be featured in the Flatwater Terrors Anthology – Volume 2. You may find out more about Patrick by visiting his personal website at patricklambrecht.com and his films at puddlefist.com.
Top 5 favorite movies: 1. Shaun of the Dead 2. Better off Dead 3. The Exorcist 4. Lord of the Rings Series 5. Forrest Gump

Thomas Crew – Thomas has been an actor, director, producer, and writer for the stage for over 30 years. He holds a B. A. in theatre arts from the University of Nebraska. Thomas has been a huge movie fan since childhood and is excited to work alongside of the talent at MFF. He has acted in several training films, made his feature debut in “One Way”, directed by Alexander Jeffery, and joined MFF in 2015 as an actor in the short “Witches”.
Top 5 favorite movies: 1. 2001 A Space Odyssey 2. It’s a Wonderful Life 3. Once Upon a Time in the West 4. Notorious 5. Beauty and the Beast (Animated).